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Reveal Sarawak Competition

Reveal Sarawak Competition

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Design Statement 

朝花夕拾 zhao hua xi shi, written by Lu Xun is to recall and reminiscence back the old days. In “ Reveal Sarawak “ competition, I choose to reveal something that is hidden among the people and the thread of history. Often, tourist come for statues or historical monuments but they neglect the living lifestyle of kuching people which are extraordinary in their own way.

Along the riverside, I’ve picked the working life in old shophouses such as kopitiam, apothecary as inspiration while I’ve pick the rubber tapping as the main supporting concept for the outskirt of kuching such as bau and siniawan.

Inspire by the rubber tapping, the space in lower deck is separated into two finishes which are the wood strips and black metal feature walls. The buffet table is design in the middle while there are two walkway designed. The stunning effect of the laminated wood panel on the ceiling creates a spatial experience for the visitors to walk following the slanted motion towards upper deck. Relax at the fixed seatings, you will find intimacy of space from the details of table designed with old materials.

Dining around in exotic mood, you can feel the retrospective Kuching in a modern setting. Indulging in the imagenery of greens and wood texture all along the riverside. People can sit under the wooden roof which resonate with the nostalgic elements on the deck. The skyline of the riverside is the key design ideas to outlining the contour of the space on the upper deck. There are different setting of seats for all customers from heart- to-heart chat to group party.

Lenticular Effects
Cruise -Out
Lenticular Murals
Cruise Identity
Drink Preparation Counter
Counter Details
Lighting design
Paranomic Views
Dining area
Table Design
Captains room
MC area
Captains Lounge
Green Wall
Entrance Signage
Buffet Area
Cashier -70's accent
Drinks preparation counter
Peranakan Table
Dining Area
Dining area
Dining Area
Kitchen design
Kitchen Design
Metal Panels

Presentation Boards


朝花夕拾 , 是鲁迅在1920 年末写的一段话, 意思是用来描述他的过往和回忆起美好的过去。 在这个比赛中,因对主题,我选择揭开砂拉越不为人知的一面 – 人们对生活的态度而创立的不同文化以不分贵贱的行业,然而创造出来的历史与回忆。近年来游客和当地人民选择参观文古物和有历史的建筑物. 但是人们忽略的是这里生活的人们,是他们的团结和努力来创造这个美丽,有文化价值的古晋城市。我们活着的这一秒,在下一秒就会成为回忆,也是历史,只是对每个人的观点不同。而我的设计观点是从古晋人的生活态度而出发,创造一个怀旧而又有历史的餐厅空间。

Sarawak River Cruise 的所在地点是为砂拉月河畔,位置对方就是缤纷而有历史的店屋。走在雅达街上,你可以看到人们辛勤的工作。一杯一杯的热咖啡,钢铁敲打得声音,浓浓的中药气味, 随处可见,正是古晋的一部分。或许你看来这是路过的风景,但这些可是人们赚钱来源。在五六十年代,外国人进军沙拉越 而繁盛了这里的经济,彩色的瓷砖在店屋里处处可以看到,还有的是罗马式的邮局和白色的当地法院。而在乡下地区 ,人们称作为 “山顶” , 回顾以前的人们也是辛勤的在工作。与城市不同的是,乡下的人民取原料于大自然,他们栽种橡胶树,养鱼,种植黑胡椒 等等。这些都是很难得的历史纪录,也揭开了当地人民的文化与风俗。


 橡胶树被选着为设计船的下层空间的重要概念。 船身被隐喻成橡胶树,活生生的斜割开了中间的部分。为了加强中间部分的空间隔离感,不同的材料被引用,有如木色的天花板,木条的墙壁和地上的瓷砖相撞。在中央的开放空间,设计了可移动式自助餐餐桌增加了空间的灵活性。在入门口也设计了灯泡复古吊灯和铁面招牌。坐在皮革的椅垫上,你可以从桌座椅和摆设品的细节上感觉到浓浓的50 年代广为泛用的材料,有如花型瓷砖,方块小瓷砖,手工藤制椅子和象征 “高朋满座“的镜子。船身两面都有很多窗口,相信是让乘客享受砂拉越河畔。为了不影响视觉的穿透性,荧光色的铁窗广泛用来隔开下层的空间成为走道,也让河畔的视野一览无遗。


而上层以自然为主题,想像你在怀旧的空间里用餐,衬托着餐点的是一望无际的砂拉越河和美丽的夕阳,附加的着是你和同伴的欢笑。这个就是上层的设计概念。进入我的船,有如进入了一个路途。每个人的观点就会不一样。要达到这个概念,我使用了lenticular effect在木条屋顶上,所以来回走动的视野不一样。在木条与木条中间留了空隙,增加了视野的穿透性。因对主办方的需求,我增加了烧烤台和把舞台移到了船中央。上层设计了不同设定的座椅,应对了不同的场合。务必达到足够的用餐人数但不影响用餐的惬意环境。

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